Thursday, October 31, 2019

Health and Safety in the Construction Industry Essay

Health and Safety in the Construction Industry - Essay Example The requirements could be in the form of legal provisions of the state, environment protection measures or in the form of the stipulated needs of the customer. In order to safeguard the interests of the workers, the respective governments come out with measures safeguarding the interests of the employees. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, also known as HASAW or HSW, is one such legislative measure adopted by the government of UK, which covers occupational health and safety in the United Kingdom1. A company requires able people to carry on with the business in the best possible manner. Therefore, the relationship between the two parties is of mutual benefit and for the relationship to work, both parties have to agree to certain terms of agreements. The construction industry is no exception. The construction industry is known as a labour intensive industry with people from different skill levels contributing their bit towards the project. There are the labours who might not be educated enough to know about what's happening around them. Quite often, while working against time to meet tight deadlines or to save on the costs, the workforce happens to be at a disadvantage. The agency carrying out the construction activity and the company having accepted the terms for the project are required to manage the project in such a manner that the project is completed and handed over to the customer within the stipulated time period, without any untoward incident/s. Project Management as such is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of company resources for a relatively short-term objective that has been established to complete specific goals and objectives (Kerzner, 1995). Producing high levels of productivity and quality and low levels of uncertainty additionally are objectives of project management. The uncertainty arises mostly out of ill planning and unwarranted delays on account of a reasons like disputes or accidents. The successful construction project management will therefore be the management of all the factors that surround and enable the construction as well as the technical work to be accomplished. This form of management as such is a set of principles, practices, and techniques applied to lead project team and control project schedule, cost, and performance risks in order to delight the customers. The customer will feel delighted when the project management team displays its expertise in the planning and successful i mplementation of the project and hands over the finished product in a hassle free manner. In one of its report the National Audit Office (NAO) has enlisted some barriers which need to be overcome and bring about changes in attitudes within the construction industry towards improving the health and safety performance. The NAO report states that, "Under health and safety legislation those who create risk are legally responsible for controlling and managing that risk" (NAO, 2004). This specifies that the responsibility of coming out with measures for controlling and management of the risk lies with everyone involved in the supply chain. In fact in today's context when globalisation and competition happens to be a rule rather than exception, every company desires to retain the best working hands while making all efforts to remain out of controversies. The reach and impact of media

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Organizational Behavior - Essay Example These experiments included a variety of modifications to the work; all modifications resulted in greater productivity because of the fact that the workers were being observed or received special attention. Thus, workers are motivated to perform better when attention is given to them. McGregor’s Theory X is quite similar to the Hawthorne’s effect; however, Theory X proposes that workers are inherently lazy and that they need to be continuously monitored to derive optimum output or performance. Most of the times, managers follow Theory X concept, and tend to supervise, plan, control, and monitor their subordinates’ work. On the other hand, Theory Y proposes that managers assume that people like to work to achieve their goals. Workers are self motivated and are smart, which makes them perform well (Kincki & Kreitner, 10). of Deming‟s â€Å"85-15 rule,† and identify the Four Principles of Total Quality Management (TQM). Also explain the Contingency Approach to Management and compare and contrast human and social capital, and the impacts of positive organizational behavior (POB) as a field in the practice of management. Deming’s 85-15 rule was developed to identify causes for failures in terms of quality and productivity. This rule proposes that 85 percent of failures in an organization are due to management, systems, policies etc and that employees account for only 15% of the failures (Kincki & Kreitner, 12). Through this rule, Deming advises to encourage and motivate employees and not to lower their motivation and commitment by holding them responsible for failures or punishing them for failures. The four principles of TQM include, doing things right the first time and eliminate rework; listening to and learn from employees and customers; adopting continuous improvement as an everyday practice; and to work through team work, trust and mutual respect (Kincki & Kreitner, 21). The contingency approach proposes that

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Music Therapy And Personality Theory Psychology Essay

Music Therapy And Personality Theory Psychology Essay Personality theory is focused on the thoughts, feelings and behaviour of human beings, including their interactions with their social environment (Funder, 1994). From this comment it could be suggested that personality is made up of the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that make a person unique. In addition to this, Piedmont supports that personality come up from inside the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life  [1]  . Ancient Greeks were the first who talked about personality and the elements that affect it, which are the earth, the water, the air and the fire. Hippocrates and Galen supported that character is attributed to the mixing of the juices that exist in the body, such as blood, yellow and black bile and the phlegm. From this, four types of character are created: the choleric, the melancholic, the sanguine and phlegmatic. During the years, several theories have been developed for identifying the traits and structure of human personality and each of which was influenced by the ideological and methodological background of the founder such as Freud, Cattell, Eysenck, Hartmann, Jung. Although all these considerations have their strengths and manage to significantly penetrate the deeper essence of the concept of personality, nowadays a new theory have been established upon which most modern psychologists of personality seem to agree. This new approach is called Big Five Dimensions and argues th at human personality can be fully described by five key factors. These factors are: Openness to experience: which describes the ability to open and explore unknown situations, to recruit new experiences (imagination, broad range of interests) Conscientiousness: which focuses on whether the conduct of the individual aims to achieve an end and is governed by inner values, standards and ethics(thoughtfulness, organized, planful) Extraversion: which evaluates the quality and intensity of social relationships of individuals (sociability, talkativeness, excitability) Agreeableness: which examines the quality of the relationship of the individual with others and with himself ( trust, altruism, kindness, affection) Neuroticism: which refers to emotional balance and the adjustment of the individual (emotional instability, anxiety, moodiness, irritability, sadness) Another personality inventory was the one of Eyesenck which measures personality using two scales. Introversion-extraversion, stability-instability. Eysencks theory was based on the four temperaments methodologies, first formalised and popularised by ancient Greeks. According to Eysenck, there are four types of personality. The choleric types are the unstable extraverts and they have qualities such as touchy, aggressive, changeable, optimistic, active, excitable and restless. The melancholic types are the unstable introverts their qualities are such as quiet, reserved, pessimistic, sober, rigid, anxious and moody. Sanguine types are the stable extraverts they are talkative, outgoing, responsive, lively, easygoing, carefree, leadership and sociable. Phlegmatic are the stable introvert and they are calm, even-tempered, reliable, controlled, peaceful, thoughtful, careful and passive. It is widely accepted that human behaviour is shaped by the influence of different factors, and this includes a musicians personality as well. Such factors include both genetic and environmental influences. Becoming a musician does not depend on genetic reasons per se or solely on how effective the learning process is. Mainly it is based on a complicated combination of different factors which influence every individual in different proportions. Nearly all researches agree that human traits are jointly determined by both nature and nurture, though they may disagree about the relative contribution of each. (Ceci and Wiliams, 2000). Genetic structure may be a factor that influences someone to become a musician. Some people are born with a music gift and through years in combination with the environment they can develop it. However, the importance of genetic influences decreases over time as individual experiences and social environment becomes more important. Social environment help determine the status of individual, the roles they perform, the duties they are bound by and the privileges they enjoy (Pervin and Jones, 2001). Indeed, the social environment can be a drive wheel for someone to develop a musical gift. By action and by example, parents shape the lives the behavior and the choices of their children from birth through adulthood (Ceci and Williams,1999).  [2]  If the child is raised in a musical environment, with parents musicians or listening to music all the time, then the possibility of becoming a musician is higher. This can also be seen in the past, in Baroque, Classical and Romantic eras, where most famous composers or pianists had great music parental guidance by their musician parents. Also if a child decides to be a musician, he often needs the support of the family in order to maintain his interest in music from an early age. Feltovic (2006) stated that The amount of instrumental practice from an early age is of vit al importance for later musical performance . In addition, if a child is associated with other children related to music, then the possibilities to develop an interest in music are increased. Previous findings on musical development have rarely indicated that learning efficiency is an essential aspect of musical expertise. (Gaunt Hallam, 2009) Indeed, effective learning and a teachers influence also play an important role on childrens performance. Teachers could positively affect the interest of a student for music by offering encouragement, and also negatively discourage a student by failing to support the child properly. The effective learning and good teachers who truly value students might turn children into music For example the teacher can increase the level of interest in music by making music learning more enjoyable for students. Teachers can have a great influence on children thus I believe that if children love the teacher, then they are likely to love music as well. Finally socio- economic conditions and many other unpredictable factors may affect a child positively or negatively to follow a musical path. Music education in developing countries appears not to have been a major priority since the lack of financial resources prevents these countries to meet their citizens educational needs. For example in Africa only 4.6%  [3]  of all schools in the country have music rooms. After analysing the reasons that may influence someone to become a musician instead of another, the next step is to identify possible factors that may determine someones personality after becoming a musician. Does every type of music affect musicians personality the same level? Is each kind of music related to specific emotional characteristics? Research has shown that various aspects of our personality are related to the types of music that we choose (Mitch Beavers and Lauren Mutispaugh). In their research on whether personality predicts music preference, observe that those who listen to classical music appear to be less agreeable and prefer sad music. The same research detects that individuals who listen to heavy metal music were low conscientiousness with low emotional stability. Rentfrow and Gosling (2003) using the Short test of music preference, they concluded that listeners of the same kind of music, had similar characteristics. Country music lovers tend to be low in openness to experiences, but high in conscientiousness. They also appear to prefer music that is simpler in nature. Jazz music lovers are more open to experiences and prefer complex music. Blues music listeners prefer music that is more complex and sad. Folk, rock, and heavy metal tend to prefer more complex music. Pop listeners tend to prefer more simple music. Religious music appears to have higher self-esteem and prefer happy music. Classical music and soundtracks appear to less agreeable and prefer more complex and sad music. Rap and hip-hop seem to be more agreeable, extraverted, and to prefer music that is happy and simple in nature. Heavy metal music appears to be low in both conscientiousness and emotional stability. In a research on Classical music preferences, Burt found that the participants tastes differed according to the extraversion, introversion but also on the emotional stability. In his study, Burt concluded that stable extraverts preferred classical and baroque music (Handel, Verdi, Brahms) which possessed characteristics like solidity, balance, brightness and predictability. On the other hand, stable introverts also preferred classical and baroque period but with a preference on absolute, intellectual and cognitive music like Bach. Moreover, Burt found that unstable extraverts preferred romantic music which has strong contrasts is emotional and vigorous (Wagner, Liszt, Berloz). In contrast, unstable introverts also preferred romantic music but impressionistic and mystical pieces like Debussys, Chopins and Webers (cited in Kemp, 1996).  [4]   According to a research by Delsing, Bogt, Engels and Meeus,  [5]  heavy metal, punk, gothic and rock listeners were found to be related to openness to experience but not to conscientiousness and to extraversion. Jazz, classical and gospel listeners tend to be high on conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness to experience but low on emotional stability. Hip hop, soul, rap trance and techno listeners were found related to extraversion and agreeableness. Finally, a research by Professor Adrian North, notes that heavy metal and classical listeners have similar emotional characteristics since both are creative, calm and unsociable. Furthermore, another factor that determines personality is the kind of gender. Indeed, the effect that music has on personality must be analysed in proportion to the gender of every individual. Even when both man and woman are related to a specific kind of music, it has been noticed that still their personality characteristics are not the same. In a research by Eric Lacourse, Michel Claes and Martin Villeneuve (2001) about heavy metal music and adolescent suicidal risk , it seems that girls fan of this kind of music, are more suicidal than boys. Recently there have been many research efforts on whether musician tend to embody certain personality type. The literature offers some evidence regarding links between personality and musician activity. Wayne Gillespie and Brett Mayors, by examining rock and popular musicians who completed the Revised NEO Personality Inventory and a questionnaire, conclude that Rock musicians share a common profile. Rock musicians were high neurotic, open to experience, average extravert, low agreeable and conscientious. On the other hand, in a research by Dyce and O Connor, concluded that popular musicians are extraverted, emotionally unstable and imaginative. In a research about orchestral instrumentalists, Langendorfer concluded that string players had significant high scores on conscientiousness than woodwind and brass players.  [6]   In his book the musical temperament, Anthony Kemp states that the musicians temperament involves a proclivity to sensitivity, introversion, anxiety, intelligence, and independence (Kemp 1996). Buttsworth and Smith (1995) indicate that performing musicians are more emotionally stable and sensitive. Singers appear to differ from instrumentalists and share personality traits with dancers, such as emotionality and hypochondrias are (Marchant-Haycox Wilson, 1992). In their book Parncutt and Mcpherson  [7]  , state those children who are more introverted, studious and quieter usually tend to prefer string instruments, while more extroverted and socially outgoing prefer brass instruments. Singers also tend to be more extraverted sensitive and imaginative, whereas keyboard players tend to be also extraverted but not as much as the singers and the brass players. CONCLUSSION Music and personality are two issues that cannot be analyzed in a 20 minutes presentation or in a 2000 words essay. This presentation answered three questions that are important as far as concern music and personality. Which factors affect someones personality to become a musician? What types of music do different personalities tend to prefer? Do musicians tend to embody certain personality type? My conclusion is that both nature and nurture, social and musical environment, peers, socio-economic conditions, teachers and effective learning are factors that may influence someone to become a musician. I believe that music do not influence personality, but there is a direct relation between the music we listen and to our personality, which includes our thoughts, lifestyles, places we choose for entertainment, clothes, companionship. Because of our personality we choose certain types of music to listen to or to become musicians of the kind of music that reflects our personality. Of course most musicians have similar elements on their personality like sensitivity, anxiety, introversion, but this is not essential for all. The musicians expresses some feelings or experiences, based from their life, like poorness, parents divorce or even a death of a close person. Some musicians may live the same experiences, but because of the social environment may develop a different type of personality. Through music, the artist communicates his thoughts which will be influenced from the era he lives in. Concluding I believe that if all musicians had the same personality, then music would have been the same.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Is There More Than One Message in an Ad? :: essays research papers

Is There More Than One Message In an Ad?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The personal ads can reveal a message about the author that is not intended to be put in the ad through ink. To find this type of information you have to look a little deeper to find these kind of messages. The author might not mean to, but in the form of their writing they send out bits of personal information that is not intended to be noticed. As in the ad of Woman Seeking Man, I find that the woman has been hurt in the past and that is why she is being a little mysterious and vague in her ad.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The woman in the ad crosses me to be hurt. It seems that maybe in some past relationships things might not have gone her way and she ended up with the short end of the stick. She lists so many qualities that the perfect man could have; it seems as if she is talking from things she learned from bad past experiences. For instance, she states that the man cannot have any dependents or baggage from the past. As if in her last relationship, her mate might have been dealing with an ex-girlfriend or wife. It might have even ruined her relationship to the point to where she does not want the guy to even be associated with an ex. She might be talking about children that the man might be committed to. She acts though as if the only children that she wants in her relationships are the ones that belong to her and her partner. She might be trying to suggest that she already have children that she is having to deal with and she does not want anymore to have to handle. She also puts a one-woman man at the beginning of the sentence that follows that sentence that takes up most of the article. As if to apply emphasis to it so that the guy gets the picture that she does not put up with a man that cheats or is a little to friendly with the ladies like a flirt. She could be emphasizing one-woman man because she has dealt with a cheater before and it has ruined a relationship or two in the past. She also keeps referring to the man needing good manners. She states that he should be well-mannered, mature, expert in the art of courtship, and always puts the toilet seat down, but she spreads them through out the passage so that the reader does not forget the point.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Measuring Sulphur Dioxide Levels Across London Environmental Sciences Essay

The issue of urban air quality has been a major concern all over the universe. This is because air quality and pollution have been recognised globally as pressing environmental issues ( Krivoruchko, 1999 ) . Since the London smog of 1952 that led to decease of more than 4000 people, the Governments of United Kingdom both at the national and local degrees have been doing conjunct attempts to better air quality by commanding emanations of pollutants into the ambiance through statute laws and other steps. This survey aims to measure the recent sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ) emanations from 38 monitoring sites across London. The appraisal will no doubt supply more penetrations that will policy shapers in inventing schemes that will assist in commanding the emanation of pollutants into the ambiance. 1. 1 Sulphur Dioxide ( SO2 ) Emissions in UK Sulphur dioxide is one of the eight chief air pollutants in the UK ‘s Air Quality Strategy. It is produced by firing coal and oil. â€Å" Sulphur dioxide ( SO2 ) is a colourless, non-flammable gas with a perforating odour that irritates the oculus. It reacts on the surface of a assortment of airborne solid atoms, is soluble in H2O and can be oxidised within airborne H2O droplets † ( Encyclopaedia of Atmospheric Environment, 2000 ) . SO2 emanations are chiefly from power Stationss, oil refineries and big industrial workss. The chart below shows 1998 SO2 emanation beginnings in UK. hypertext transfer protocol: // Adapted from ( Encyclopaedia of Atmospheric Environment, 2000 ) 2.0 Datas: The information for this analysis comprise of SO2 monitored degrees recorded in parts per billion ( ppb ) between January 2008 to September 2009 and their monitored sites across London. The informations were obtained from the London Air Quality Network ( LAQN ) . The datasets were examined in Excel Worksheet, look intoing the columns and rows by oculus. After careful scrutiny of the informations, the undermentioned issues were identified in the information. Some SO2 measurings were recorded with negative values. Basically, in a monitoring site there could be either a positive reading or no reading recorded at all. Therefore, all the negative values were assigned positive values Site TK3 was non shown as one of the SO2 monitored sites during the monitoring period under consideration but was populated with some readings in the value Fieldss. This could be a error during the procedure of recording of the data.To avoid any colored analysis, TK3 was removed in the value field. Brent 2 ( BT2 ) has merely reading on 31/8/2009 but no readings from 01/01/2008 – 30/8/2009. Croydon 4 ( CR4 ) merely has merely reading on 31/8/2009 but no SO2 readings from 01/01/2008 – 30/8/2009. Teddington ( TDO ) no SO2 readings from 01/01/2008 – 30/8/2009. Probe of the information reveals hapless informations recordings in LAQN database. It is good that to hold records of air pollutants emanations but much more has to be done on the issue of informations quality given to the populace. Recording of informations such as this should be automated. After scrutiny of the informations and necessary redacting done, a map demoing SO2 measured values for each monitoring site was created in the Arc Map utilizing London Wards as a background. so.jpg The map above shows the cumulative sulfur dioxide concentration degrees in assorted sites in London. There were high concentrations of SO2 in locations like Lambeth 1, Lambeth 3, Lambeth 4, Greenwich, Berkley, Newham 2, Thurrock 1, Crystal Palace, Lewisham 1 etc, while there somewhat low SO2 concentration in locations like Tower Hamlet 1 and Westminster. Castle Point, Thurrock 1, Sevenoaks background and Elmbridge are non within the London wards. The histogram chart of the concentration map is shown below. Histogram of relative symb.jpg Since some concentrations of SO2 are clustered, it is possible to find hot and cold pots in the information by looking for bunchs of sites with high values and bunchs of sites with low values. With the informations available, it is besides possible to make SO2 one-year norm maps ( for 2008 and 2009 ) . Monthly upper limit of SO2 values for each site can besides be mapped. 3.0 Modeling Approach: Laqn.dbf and Location.dbf informations provide merely information on SO2 emanation values at monitored locations across London. These informations entirely are unequal to foretell SO2 degrees across London. Dispersion Models can be used to see the spacial distribution of SO2 concentrations and so do estimations of SO2 degrees at unsampled sites. However, Dispersion theoretical account will necessitate informations like SO2 emanation beginnings and local meteoric information such as air current velocity, wind way etc. , which are non available. An option here is to utilize Interpolation methods which will utilize SO2 monitored informations, and effort to gauge concentrations at unsampled locations by suiting surfaces through the monitored information points ( APMoSPHERE Project, 1998 ) . â€Å" Interpolation is described as process of foretelling the value of property at unsampled site from measurings made at location within the same country or part. Interpolation is necessary when t he land truth informations do non cover the sphere of involvement wholly † ( Othman 2009 ) . There are two types of insertion ; Deterministic and Geostatistical insertions. 3.1 Methodology Simple Kriging – geostatistical insertion theoretical account was used here. â€Å" Kriging operates by gauging different constituents of fluctuation, and utilizing the ensuing theoretical accounts to gauge conditions at unsampled locations † ( APMoSPHERE Project ) . Three types of Kriging are widely used in geostatistical analysis are ; Ordinary and simple kriging which histories for merely local-scale fluctuation in the variable of involvement ; cosmopolitan kriging takes history of long-range fluctuation or impetus as instance may be and co-kriging employs extra information on exogenic variables, covariates to assist in foretelling local fluctuations. ( APMoSPHERE Project ) . Simple Kriging in Geostatistical Analyst of ArcGIS was explored here. The theoretical account is Gaussian based. SO2 degrees ( Value property ) Simple Kriging – Semivariogram Prediction Map – Gaussian Contour Surface Using ArcGIS, a semi-variogram theoretical account was foremost created to cognize how spacial dependant the information. Semi-variogram Graph – Simple Kriging The graph of semi-variogram below shows that the information has weak spacial dependance which means that it will be hard to do anticipations where SO2 emanations are non monitored. In cross proof nosologies graph, about all the points are spread along the horizontal line ( the measured or observed line ) which makes anticipations hard here. There are besides broad spread in the mean difference between the measured and predicted values. The sum-up of anticipation mistakes is presented in the tabular array below: Summary tabular array of Simple Kriging – Prediction Mean 0.017 Root-Mean-Square 0.5337 Average Standard Mistake 0.5625 Mean Standardized 0.02743 Root-Mean-Square Standardized 0.9501 Arrested development map – 0.034*x + 1.263. The average tends towards normalcy and RMSE about approaches one. Finally, the anticipation end product map is produced. contour.jpg 3.2 Consequences and Discussion: Simple kriging geostatistical tool was merely explored here. No anticipations were made due to insufficiency of the information available. The information provide merely information on SO2 emanation values at monitored locations across London. It did non state the relationships between the SO2 emanations and other variables emanation beginnings etc. 4.0 Analysing Exposure and Health Impacts of SO2 and other Air Pollutants across London There has been a turning concern about the impact of SO2 and other air pollutants on person ‘s wellness. Many surveies have suggested that people enduring from asthma and other respiratory diseases may be peculiarly susceptible to the inauspicious effects of sulfur dioxide. SO2 pollution is considered more harmful when particulate and other pollution concentrations are high. In this appraisal, an effort was made to gauge the possible persons ‘ exposures to SO2 pollution utilizing the datasets available. Valuess from simple kriging predicted surface map were extracted utilizing Zonal Statisticss in Spatial Analyst tools of ArcGIS. Mean was used as chart statistics. The end product file was so joined with London Wards attribute information.The Sum_Bad Health field was normalised with Kriging Mean utilizing Symbology builder. krigig surf.jpg Heallth hazard map.jpg The map above shows the likely figure of people in the London Wards to be affected by the SO2 pollution. 4.1 Discussions: Ideally, informations demoing hospital admittances on respiratory and other health-related diseases would be required to gauge the likely figure of people to be affected. it with SO2 degrees informations and attribute information in the London Ward. 5.0 Restrictions Data Issues: To a big extent, truth of any geospatial analysis depends upon the quality of the informations being used. There were some many issues observed in the information for this appraisal. Examination of the information showed hapless recording of the informations in the LAQN database. The attribute information on the information was non plenty for any complete appraisal. Laqn. information contains merely SO2 values recorded in parts per billion. It did non state us the relationship between these values and other variable of involvements. London Air Quality Network may see it utile to automatize the whole procedure of their informations recording as this will to some extent guard against human mistakes. Issues on the adopted modeling attack As with every theoretical account there are many restrictions associated***** Kriging geostatistical tool was used for the insertion. It provides a good interpolator for thin informations like SO2 degrees. Simple Kriging uses a semivariogram, a step of spacial correlativity between two points, so the weights change harmonizing to the spacial agreement of the samples. â€Å" It provides a step of the mistake or uncertainness ( of the estimated surface † ( Othman 2009 ) . Kriging restrictions – Mistake appraisal depends on variograms and distribution of information points and size of interpolated blocks. Kriging requires attention when patterning spacial correlativity construction. It,

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Energy transference at hypersonic velocities

I'm pretty sure we have had this discussion before so I've got one of my old copycats from a previous thread. Force travels through solid objects at roughly the speed of sound in that object, if you force a piece of an object to move at greater than the speed of sound through that medium it will simply tear whatever is holding it together without transmitting force to the surrounding structure. His gives a kind of hole punch effect If the projectile Is moving faster than the speed of sound In the target. The maximum known speed of mound is about 1 km/s in diamond, given that a dreaded shot moves at about Kim/s it is safe to assume that armor anti going to do sit. Given the momentum behind the small slug it should remain above the speed of sound in diamond until (keg*Kim/s/km/s) the total mass of matter it has punched through reaches 5. 3 tones.Second, things heat up when they are compressed as given by the perfect gas law (at these energy densities it is close enough for our purposes despite everything being solid) so when the projectile gets compressed it heats up, if it heats up to the correct bevel it melts, vaporizes and turns into plasma, that depends on the energy densities present (FUSION). So when a solid slug hits the armor the first thing which will happen Is that the slug punches a hole clean through the armor, no if's, no buts.Then the pressure wave begins to propagate through both the armor chunk which has been torn out and the projectile, the amount of pressure in this wave is so immensely fugue that the matter instantly becomes plasma shortly followed by becoming a angular fireball. The only question left is how far does the projectile reach inside the ship until you can top modeling It as a projectile and have to start modeling It as a nuke. He Irony here Is that armor essentially contains the fireball Inside the vessel Instead of keeping it on the outside. This is also why whippier shields are effective, the small layer of matter makes a hyper velocity impact under go the pressure induced explosion and become a far less damaging gas which Is then repelled by the actual armor of the vessel. Than weapons are a whole different ballgame. Nationally what comes out of a Than weapon can be considered a mass driver slug (the fact that it is molten doesn't tater, the impact velocity is so far beyond the speed of sound in the target and projectile that it's irrelevant) but in this case instead of being a CACM long cylinder or even a Javelin It is a long thin wire which probably only has a cross section measured In tenths of millimeters and a length In the hundreds of meters. ND punches a hole, the pressure wave propagates back through the projectile, as the pressure wave passes it explodes with the force of a nuclear weapon. So far normal. BUT Because the projectile is so long and traveling orders of magnitude faster than it's peed of sound, once the front end explodes it leaves relatively clear (exploded) space for the next sectio n of the projectile to pass through anus strike deeper into the target, Just like a pulsed laser or a multiple impact kinetic weapon like metal storm. His happens over and over and over again, the end effect is that a Than weapon will punch clean through a ship and out the other side which leaves a nice neat little hole.